As a KL-lite, I know we have a lot of trash scattered all across the city, but I automatically block it out when walking down the streets. I've learnt to accept that this is how it is and that corner is a fine place for a big black bag to settle in. And I believe I'm not the only one who does this.
Recently, well not that recently, say half a year ago, I ran into this interesting character. Tall fella who hails from KK, with dreadlocks and only wears shorts to whatever occasion he attends. Not knowing what to expect, he pulled out these fantastic shots of trash in Malaysia. Suchen's the name, and the shot below is from his book that is sadly not going to be in bookstores.
It's also one of the shots from his article in The Star.
Do not fret as an e-book will be coming out soon, Wonderland ... Beyond The Bin is what it's called. Probably on his website
The grass probably isn't as GREEN as we'd like it to be now, but if we start by implanting the awareness around us internally. I'm sure results will bloom to make a much greener Malaysia.
Glad to know these issues are being brought to light. Save the trees?